Week 1

In the second part of lecture, I found it astounding that there were students who hadn't visited other parts of campus because of their major being so heavily one-sided in either math/science or social sciences. As an economics major, I find that I get a good mixture of both sides. From the reading "Toward a Third Culture: Being in Between," "The bridge, in fact, is being triangulated and made more stable with the work of artists utilizing new technologies, who are in active dialogue with both sides." was a line that resonated with me as in my previous internship, I had to learn new technological platforms to process data, but also had to combine my own analysis and social science background to derive meaningful insights from the data. Standalone numbers would not have been useful nor would insights without analyzing data. Combining both fields made for more efficient, smarter work.

Spotify leveraged user data to produce end of year statistics that created lots of buzz for the streaming music site
Spotify leveraged user data to produce end of year statistics that created lots of buzz for the streaming music site

An artificially intelligent robot made for the home, called Jibo.
In a strategic language course I took last quarter, we explored the intersection of technology and speech. My professor advised us on the demand for social scientists in technical fields, stating that the complexities of social sciences are necessary considerations for many fields ranging from artificial intelligence to self-driving vehicles. From an article published in Slate Magazine titled "The Long History of Computer Science and Psychology Comes Into View," details the importance of psychology in technical fields such as cybernetics.

In the reading "Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution," Snow proclaims, "Attempts to divide anything into two ought to be regarded with much suspicion." I very much agree with that notion as nothing is black and white. Specifically regarding the topic of science and arts, the two fields are increasingly becoming intertwined and cannot be regarded as two separate entities. Not only do I see this in research and academia, but I see this in my own experiences in the working world as well.
Ad Agency Renovation by funkt
An ad agency 

Vesna, Victoria. “Toward a Third Culture: Being in Between.” Leonardo 34.2 (2001): 121-25. Web.

Stark, Luke. “How Computer Science's View of the Brain as Just Another Machine Gave Rise to Cambridge Analytica.” Slate Magazine, Slate, 18 Mar. 2018.

Jibo. Photograph. 2018. <https://www.jibo.com/>

Snow, C. P. “Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution.” Reading. 1959. New York: Cambridge UP, 1961. Print.

Toor, Amar. “Spotify Breaks down Your Personal Listening Habits with Year in Music Feature.” The Verge, The Verge, 7 Dec. 2015.

Design Milk. Ad Agency Renovation by funkt. Photograph. 2013. <https://design-milk.com/ad-agency-renovation-by-funkt/>


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